Thursday, March 11, 2010

Public Service

I've recently been seeing folks coming to my site via some rather odd search terms. In order to fulfill certain "obligations" to the state I will now attempt to provide pertinent information to those individuals.

"how to make an omelet" -- If you need to scour the internet including sites named "Aimless Monkey" for information on how to make an omelet, you probably shouldn't be cooking. Please put down the pots and pans, back away slowly, and head to your nearest International House of Pancakes.

"31-year old virgin" -- Sorry. You're on your own.

"chewing nipples" -- I don't know if you're looking for pictures of people chewing on nipples, or instructions on how to chew nipples here. If you're looking for pictures, how many pages did you have to go through making explicit offers of hundreds of images of nipple chewing before you got to my site, and why did you think this page was going to be the one with the hottest nipple chewing action? If you're looking for instructions -- Well, go find a nipple and chew on it. I guess.

"clown-on-clown action" -- I'm not one of those 'afraid of clown' types, but I haven't slept in days.

"man whore" -- Send me a self addressed stamped envelope with your address, a picture, and a bucket of chicken and I'll be right over.

"monkey masturbation" -- Drop by my place tonight around 8ish. Please bring a bucket of chicken.

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